You'd think I would have gotten some better benefits out of the whole thing but no, demoted back to door-opening servitude! There were lots of guns and a lot of dying. Jack: Yeahyeahyeah, just - wait, you can actually do that?Ĭlaptrap: I once started a revolution myself.

I'm sorry.Ĭlaptrap: I can do more than open doors sir! We CL4P-TP units can be programmed to do anything from open doors to ninja-sassinate highly important Janitory officals! Jack: Oh, no, I'm sorry the OTHER Hyperion piece of metal crap that can open doors for me. Merciless Killing Machine: The inner workings of a monicidal apparatus. Jack: No no no no! Cancel directive three!Ĭlaptrap: Commencing directive three! Uhntssuhntssuhntss-Ĭlaptrap (commenting): Ahh - one of my very first startup sequences! The memories.

Never, ever, ever! is what I'll say to everyone I know while I look for it."Ĭlaptrap: Directive one: Protect humanity! Directive two: Obey Jack at all costs. " The Vault Map is gone! Forever! It will never be found."Sanctuary's gone? But the bank! All my stuff! All my crucial information! YES! I'M OFF THE GRID, BABY! NO MORE CREDITORS! Seriously, I owe a lot of people a lot of money.".but I'M the hero of Pandora! It's on my business card! I ORDERED SO MANY OF THEM!" "And I thought bandits were bad BEFORE they had nightmare plants growing out of them!".But that hasn't stopped me from incessantly cowering!" "As a robot, I'm completely immune to Hector's gas attacks.

Oh god, please - PLEASE! - stay a while."Ĭommander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary